Insight: A Blog for the Critical Consumer of Psychotherapy

By Psychologist Dr. Rune Moelbak
4 Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce

4 Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce

Couples therapist John Gottman has identified 4 behaviors that are so destructive to relationships that they will almost certainly lead a married couple to divorce. Due to their ominous nature, he calls them the “4 horsemen of the apocalypse” and because of their...

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How to Restore Love in Your Relationship

How to Restore Love in Your Relationship

Romantic relationships tend to run a quite predictable course. Initially your partner can do nothing wrong. You are wearing rose-colored glasses. But over time, differences become annoyances and the novelty of your relationship wears off. Most couples hit an impasse...

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What is Your Depression Telling You?

What is Your Depression Telling You?

In my many years of experience as a psychologist and a psychotherapist, I have seen exceptionally few clients for whom depression was simply a disorder of the brain. In the vast majority of cases, once a person begins to examine their feelings and their life more...

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Low Self-Esteem and the Flight from Self

Low Self-Esteem and the Flight from Self

Many people in our society live lives that are not fully their own. They try to become their ideal self - an image of who they SHOULD be - rather than to be who they truly are. Although there is nothing wrong with striving to be better at something, sometimes these...

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Insight - a blog for the critical consumer of psychotherapy

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Featured Article: 15 Ways to Fight Depression

Read my free guide to beating depression…

15 Proven Ways to Fight Depression (A Complete Self-Help Guide)
Are you or someone you know depressed? Not to worry… In this comprehensive, yet simple and practical, self-help guide, I will give you an overview of fifteen of the most effective techniques psychologists use to help their clients overcome depression. Let’s go through each technique one at a time: 1. Get Active: When we become depressed our body often starts Continue Reading


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