by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Depression, Psychological Issues, Shame
You won’t find “disorders of shame” as a category in the DSM-5 (the official American catalogue over mental health diagnoses), and yet shame is probably the biggest single cause of most of our psychological problems. Shame is often the secret engine that get us...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Psychological Issues
Although there are some psychological disorders that have a clear biological or genetic component, many if not most are responses to life’s adversities and quite treatable through therapy. What is a Psychological Disorder? A psychological disorder is often not really...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Psychological Issues
Are obsessions and compulsions the result of your brain going haywire, or could they have a meaning and a function, which can be addressed through psychological therapies? Although there is some evidence that severe forms of obsessions and compulsions, such as...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Psychological Issues, Trauma
The line between telling the truth and telling a lie has always been the central theme of psychotherapy. The real self (an acceptance of one’s real feelings and motivations) and the reality principle (a sober assessment of the world as it really is) has always been...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Psychological Issues
We all have personalities, but what does it mean to have a personality “disorder”? What Do We Mean by Personality? A personality is a certain habitual way I deal with the world around me. When you think to yourself “boy, that person sure has a personality!”, what...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Addictions, Psychological Issues, Substance Use
An addiction to drugs and alcohol is not really an addiction to the drugs or to the alcohol. Rather we become addicted to a way of life. Our drug of choice, for better or for worse, helps us find our bearing in the world, and it is much more difficult to let go of a...