by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Therapy, Trauma
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places” (Ernest Hemingway) Ernest Hemingway spoke of a universal psychological truth, when in A Farewell to Arms, he suggested that you grow stronger in your broken places, much like a...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Therapy, Trauma
The Past Never Lasts: Changing the Past from the Future “The past never lasts”. Such was the slogan posted on a colleagues’ bulletin board, when I worked in a treatment center for traumatized adolescents. My colleague used it to remind her young clients that things...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Trauma
The title of my blog post this week contains one of the essential insights of my work as a psychologist. Too many people spend their lives leaving places they have never actually arrived at. A person who had a traumatic childhood might say they would rather just...
by rulamo | Nov 29, 2020 | Psychological Issues, Trauma
The line between telling the truth and telling a lie has always been the central theme of psychotherapy. The real self (an acceptance of one’s real feelings and motivations) and the reality principle (a sober assessment of the world as it really is) has always been...
by rulamo | Oct 29, 2020 | Trauma
One of single biggest issues that stops people from living the life they want is their inability to let go of negative memories from their past. Most often when people experience hurtful events in their life they tend to prefer to suppress their memories, or to simply...